Installation at Lost Eden Kendal Calling
31 July - 3rd Aug 2015
Liminal is an 8m diameter video sphere, a work that explores ideas of being in transition, between states.
Liminial is an evolving piece made to explore it’s context, it was last installed on the Solway mudflats revealing something of the temporary nature of the land between the tides, a transitory space permanently caught in a state of change, it’s disorientating and relentless.
Liminal is an exploration of the places in which it is installed. At Lost Eden we are looking to inhabit and explore the expanded space where we understand our environment through technology. The video for Liminal at Lost Eden has been filmed in Cumbria, in the lakes, mountains and forests.
Our intention is to create a work that is integral to the landscape, and to reveal the ambiguous nature of places at once transforming, suspended, unstable and absolute.